The highs and lows of flag duels. I hope you enjoy this very long walk. I must say the music is exquisite. You will appreciate the lengths I went to, to achieve such grandeur. As you can see the quality and design is of the highest order. It stand
An improved UT2004 security mutator that detects modified files and character entries as well as other hacks like aimbots or server crashers and potentially unwanted things like colored names, text flooding, or mass suiciding.
Tactical Shadows makes gameplay a little more interesting by removing the garish and stupidly bright lighting on the player models, meaning you can now gain an advantage on your enemies by hiding in dark areas. UT2004's lighting is sometimes picky ab
A great industrial themed map with lots of Z-axis gameplay. It feels like a run-down factory, aged quite a bit to where nature is taking back the factory. Great blend of interior design and