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DM-VSK Bathroom Extreme

Добавил: The DSystem
2002-10-20 00:10:00
Rounded off edges, added lights 6. Sound effects 7. And last but not least, a couple big oh logs floatin in the toilet :) A song from Megadeth called "Sweating Bullets" is included, w00t! Here's our old review of the previous version of this map: Immediately, upon entering the map, it hits you, your in a bathroom. Go figure. This is by all means a large, spacious map, better suited for a sniping map, as shorter ranged weapons are almost lost to the sheer size. Once everyone is on the floor, it can get interesting, assuming you have 10 or more people on this map, like I said, bigness isn't a problem here. The wall/floor/ceiling textures are ok, at first they look a little unpolished, but considering the maps...murky setting, it actually adds to the map somewhat. But if you go beyond the aesthetic grip, theres still one major flaw that brings my score of this map down. You can spawn on top of all the facilities and such, but once you hit the ground, theres where you are, theres no jump pads or lifts or anything, anywhere, and considering that some things are only found up top, it really detracts from the flow of the map. Still though, with alot of people playing this map makes a great "field of death". If your into mass slaughter, pick this up. Note: Has a music file featuring Megadeath --PhilPhoenix
This is an updated version of his previously released DM-VSK Bathroom map, with the following improvements: 1. Fixed Mirror 2. Water in toilet 3. Added vents 4. Redid sinks and faucets 5.
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