A large arena style deathmatch map, lots of open space and plenty of spaces to crawl through, but with all the glass windows no real place to hide.
There currently is no description for this file. It is available for download, and we\'ll have a description made available as soon as possible!
There currently is no description available for this file. It is available for download, and we will ge a description up as soon as possible!
Great space floater... the author did a nice job separating the bases so there is no weapon spammage:)
There is currently no description for this file, it is available for download, and we will have a description made available as quickly as possible!
There\'s currently no description for this file, it is available to download, and a description will be made available as soon as possible!
There currently is no description available for this file, it is available for download, and we will have a description made as soon as possible!
This is a smaller DM map, made for a 2-4 player match. Its rather dark, and it fast paced when you have 4 layers on it. The weapons pickups are placed on either end of the map, and there is little