-----{ CTF-UTronic_Rev1 }----- ***** IMPORTANT ****** Some of the visual effects do NOT work properly online at this time. I'm pretty sure it's online compatible it's just a couple of the warp effects don't work properly... You've Been Warned.
BR-RemnantFinal by Jonathan "Knives" Dantzler VERSION 3.0 ----------- -Fixed the skybox (FINALLY!) -Added foliage. -Fixed some slight faults in the bot pathing. -Added screenshot for level preview. -Made the skybox a cylinder instead of a
BR-DRD-Flarized README by Jonathan "Knives" Dantzler ----------------------------- This is an enhanced version of FragElf's ridiculously popular BR-Flarized. This new edition has a jungle theme, complete with hanging vines and waterfalls. This
This is the Ut2003 Portals Mutator Inspired by Stargate SG-1... made possible by the following people: // Portals... written for the Ut2003 Wicked Game Server and all Ut2003 Servers // -Coded by: Section8 maker of the Systemic Mod: // http://
This is one of Ut2003 best kept secrets!!! If any of you have played on the Wicked Game server you will know what this is:) Now it\'s being released to the public for two reasons... Other people