Typ: UT2003 DeathMatch Author: Damian Ruoss E-Mail: damian.ruoss@gmx.com Bemerkungen: Dies ist meine erste fertiggestellte UT2003 Map. Ich hoffe sie gefällt euch. Sollten Fehler auftrete
===============Campgrounds 2003 - League Edition================= Designer: epsil0n Homepage: www.planetwolfenstein.com/xceptnone (hasn't been updated for a while but its still there) e-mail: xceptnone@planetwolfenstein.com
[quote]Hello again everybody. Here is my latest hope you like it. Thanks for your intrest in my skin :) Thanks again to Loric for his info about the voices. One word of warning though.This skin
[quote]Players start with all weapons, plenty of ammo and 100 adrenaline. Pickups are removed from the maps. When you frag with a weapon, you automatically lose this weapon and have to continue with