SFC-Mods-R-us.net Kreeargh Productions. Ship Name: Ywing fighter ....................................................................... Note: These ships are mainly for sfc3 a planed fighter mod to be used as a stand alone ship. Dont use the
SFC-Mods-R-us.net Kreeargh Productions. Ship Name: Xwing ....................................................................... Note: These ships are mainly for sfc3, a planed fighter mod to be used as a stand alone ship. Dont use these as f
SFC-Mods-R-us.net Kreeargh Productions. Ship Name: Tie bomber aka tiebob ....................................................................... Note: These ships are mainly for sfc3 a planed fighter mod to be used as a stand alone ship. Dont
SFC-Mods-R-us.net Kreeargh Productions. Ship Name: Tie fighter and Tieint ....................................................................... Note: These ships are mainly for sfc3 a planed fighter mod to be used as a stand alone ship. Dont
SFC-Mods-R-us.net Kreeargh Productions. Ship Name: Millennium Falcon ....................................................................... Note: These ships are mainly for sfc3 a planed fighter mod to be used as a stand alone ship. Dont use
Porting: Darkdrone Lighting: Darkdrone Brk mod : Darkdrone Format : SFC2OP All models are from Star Wars Galaxies™ and Jedi kight 2 outcast : This mod can not be sold on a website or on cd/dvd as all the models/designs and textures belong to