Kelvin Class Texture-Edit; USS Angelwings B(NCC-97442-B) Author - MustangTy92 Requirements - The Kelvin Class Pack by CaptainRussel. I beleive that is it. Credits: Mainly to CR and CG for the wonderful Kelvin Class Ship Pack and all textu
This is a "mk III Imperator Star Destroyer". These ships were MK II's equiped with Cloaking devices. Mk III wasnt the official name it was just a sort of a nickname. The ship is Thunderchilds MkII ISD only Equiped with a cloak, however i managed to
New Threat 14 QBR missions This will take place in the Star Wars galaxy however its the mirror version of it. in this universe its the Terran Empire invading the Galactic Republic which existed only for 20 years after the good sith defeated the e
The Terran Empires own Intrepid class this was orginally done by Rick Knox rework by MRJOHN Credits and Thanks Rick Knox a.k.a pneumonic81 with rework by MRJOHN and yopyop Hardpoints: Laurelin with rework by MRJOHN and TiqHud Weapons Edtheborg
Starship U.S.S. Angelwings A - United Federation of Planets Author - MustangTy9 Requirements - CG/CR's Intimidator Class Pack VERSION 2.0. Make sure you have v2.0 otherwise I doubt it will work. Credits: Mainly go to CG and CR for everyth
Renegade 20 to 1 Qbr Mission Captain Benjamin Maxwell of the USS Phoenix has gone rogue. You as Cpt. Maxwell must destroy Starbase 1. It has 19 defenders. Installation: Place the "Renegade 20 to" file in your scripts/custom/quickba
Nebula Class Missile Cruiser Included is a direct replacement for the stock Nebula hardpoint aimed at turning it into a formidable missile cruiser. It has a cloak and is also armed with eight devastating MOAB torpedos. Each having an equivalant
Millenium Falcon Cloak HP In the origanal movies someone said "no ship that small could have a cloaking device". Well they were wrong. Installation: This will directly replace the default file so move the original to a safe location. It
**** KWEEKY.RE.TEXTURES **** PRESENTS * LIFELIKE MADON * =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= // INTRODUCTION: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Thank you for downloading a [KRT] release! T