English: This is a reskin for clear sky suits. The blue-white ones are changed to desert. Èesky: Tento mod pøedìlává vzhled Oblekù jasné oblohy. Modré jsou nahrazeny pouštnímy.
incheck 12 LowTech Bandits v.2 2 vets are done! seva suit with bandit leather jackets. including bumps. this is just a retexture not a mesh mod tho that did cross my mind for later
This is a weapon skinpack that replaces nearby all the vanilla Weaponskins in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Clear Sky and Shadow of Chernobyl. For more pics visit: http://scshisb.forenking.com/album.php? or
A reskin for the generic STALKER knife.The reskin makes the knife look like the DV-2 Spetsnaz (Dalnya-Vostorchny Spetsnaz) knife.The blade is matte black,and the grip is made from pressed leather.
This is a patch for [url="http://stalker.filefront.com/file/Reapers_Warsaw_Pact_Weapons_Reskin_PR;98423"]REAPER'S WARSAW PACT WEAPONS RESKIN 2.0 (Photo Realistic)[/url] There is: -Bumpmap for
This is a reskin for all weapons, ammo, grenades, scopes from Eastern Bloc. All textures are photoskined, so they are very realistic. All new textures have their own bumpmap, icon and as a BONUS a