Title: Mp5 No Surpressor Creator: {DTC}DENNIS NL Build: 24-11-2002 To install, just place the pk3 file in to your mp folder and run the game! :P (ATTENTION: doesnt work on PURE servers.) (sof2asempak74real.pk3)
Matrix reloaded mp5 Designed by [IFF]NeO ThE OnE name : [IFF]NeO ThE OnE Url : Blitzdesigns.co.uk Email : andy@blitzdesigns.co.uk Installation Extract the pk3 file to: Soldier of fortune II:Double Helix/base/mp thats it! Have fun,
Here is a different weapon skin; animated and semi-transparent. Red and yellow colors flows over MP5. All weapon sounds changed with some echoed human sounds. See screenshots.
Install: Copy pk3 file under Soldier of Fortune II - Double Helix/b
********************************************************************************* So, need a new W.O.C.(weapon of choice)??? Come into the "Mans Wearhouse" where you will be custom fitted with the perfect fragging m
Hussein's MP5 By Fragger Instructions: Extract udaimp5.pk3 to the base/mp folder. To remove, delete the file from the folder. If you damage your computer by using this file, get it fixed. Fragger.