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Alone At War - Offlag 1-4

Добавил: The DSystem
2002-07-19 00:07:00
this maps. In \"Offlag\" you will be required to use different tactics, ... and choose your weapons wisely, depending on situation. Each drop of your blood will be precious so running on the enemies hoping they will miss you will be stupid. You will have to think... and plan your strategies! I scripted enemies so they can have much freedom to make its own decisions. Levels are now even more \"independent\" and you can play them several times and each time you will encounter different configuration and strategies of enemy. This is specially enforced in level 3 and 4. Reach in natural environment scenarios and detailed maps and are very important to me. This is why you may find \"Offlag\" series to have heavy toe on your computer if your processor is under 800Mhz and you have not the best video card. Computers evolve very fast but mapping takes long time. This is why I try rather make more complex maps instead of maps low in detail that may be nice played on some old systems now, but in one year will be too odd and empty. I will recommend minimum processor of 800Mzh. with full multimedia support. Your video card MUST be AGP, OpenGL compatible and should have minimum 32Mb Ram. Personally I love GeForse cards. My GeForce2 Titanium card although a bit old has 6.4GB/sec memory bandwidth 64Mb DDR memory and handles 31M triangles/sec. This is far more that you need to play those maps. Because 3 of 4 maps are outdoor maps you may encounter height polys. \"Top\" visual places can have as much as 38.000 polys. Official map \"forests\" I believe have about 24.000 at maximum.
Ahhh, It\'s finished!!!!! AAW - Offlag SP map!!! \"Offlag\" series are rather hard maps to fight your way through. If you are new baby to RTCW I advise you play retail game first before trying
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