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[DS]: Half-Life Server
[DS]: Half-Life Server

[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server

[DS]: CS:S v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S v34 Server


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The Complex

Добавил: The DSystem
2002-07-11 00:07:00
War Documents -Stop the Allies from Transmitting -Hold the Tower Spawn Point Allies: -Destroy the Breach Points -Steal the Secret Documents -Transmit the Secret Documents -Capture the Tower Spawn Point The map seems rather small at first, but actually half of it is underground :) Mg42's have a very important part on ground. They pretty much point to key areas on both side. The side who has em can quite nicely own ground areas, though both sides have a equal amount of machine guns so its like a neverending battle on who can hold them longer. As I said half of the map is underground, and so is the objective, there are quite a few ways to reach it, and quite a few ways to get out with it. A good strategical exit however cant be blown up underground as you cant plant the dynamite close enough to it, I liked that touch as you'd either need to run back, go trough the axis complex or have some brave engineer run trough axis gunfire and plant a dynamite ontop of the exit to blow it up, so the guy with the documents can get out and make the run for the car, the safest way however would be running back, hoping the tower is still under allies control so they can provide some cover while again the dude with the documents has to make a run for the car. An intresting map, short rounds, and not too much ppl makes it quite fun, though there were some problems as I got stuck to one of the MG42s in the tower and had to mess around quite a bit with it to get free. As the author suggested, not more than 20-30 players on it.
Your placed outside an axis military complex. Your objective is to steal the top secret documents and escape the complex installation base in the truck. Axis: -Defend the Complex -Defend the
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