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M82A1 Special Long-Range

Добавил: The DSystem
2004-12-26 00:12:00
21 view
a man sized target at more than 2000m (just like the real thing!), modified p3d model (see readme.txt for credits), remapping with a light camo and a new sound for the suppressed version. I think I didn\'t forget anything. I\'ve tryed to made the suppressed version as more realistic as possible, so it sound quite loud and alert ennemies at more than 100m... but who cares about 100m when you\'re at 1500m of your target... Hope you will enjoy! Note: The zip file also contain the JMG Barrett M82 addon. If you have some problem with the scope display, you should install this addon too. See readme.txt for precisions.
This addon include two version of the Barrett M82A1 .50 sniper riffle wich are: a normal version and a suppressed one. New features include: reconfiguration (ballistic and scope) to be able to engage
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