I really have no idea who sent this in or what it is about since there was no readme or anything , only thing I have to go on is this [quote]You will start North of Lany and participate on the
[quote]Story: War broke out in the Balkans, between US and her allies against the Soviet Union, the conflict ended with a truce by both sides, to leave the region. But will the truce remain? As
[quote]Mission Details: Hello, this is just a demo mission of the James Bond mini-campaign I am working on. It consists of actual sound files, lip movements, songs, unlimited saves (see radio
The update brings a whole bunch of new faces converted from Ghost Recon. It includes some Russian, African, Asian, Hispanic and white faces in both camo and non-camo variants. That would be a total
[b]Changes in this version[/b]: [list][*]Smooth overflowing of textures (change of weather) Is realized [*]Texture of the sun is changed [*]New textures "Clean sky ","Cloudy sky" and "Storm
The Rock By Blacknite (samurai97@hotmail.com) For OFP 1.46 No addons required! MP Mission, max. players is 12 Mission details: Halo jump 4000m in the air, and sneak in and assasinate the General. Seems simple? We shall see... Pa