An objective map with respawn. Allies must destroy a control room and a battery room. A fairly large winter map with a large facility for the allies to infiltrate. Axis will have a hard time 'spawnkillng' as I have
Map Name: Close Combat Author: HkySk8r187 Author's E-mail:
Close Combat - DM/TDM/OBJ - For all you who are tired of huge maps, I thought I would make a fairly small map. Each team has a base on one side of the map, trench
Clan TrainingTryouts Map -Superkat86 Idea By: {EDF}Fuhrer Boss
In this map the allies (or just someone trying out for the clan) must run to the other side of the map and plant the flak 88 while the Acis (clan members) shoot at them. I
Description: This is a converted map from singleplayer to multiplayer, similar to a "push" game mode. Two teams, three flags, the longer you hold a flag, the more