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PMHC05 Head Replacement

Добавил: The DSystem
2006-11-24 00:11:00
game) with a realistic rugged looking beard. The cool thing about this mod and most of Inyri's other head reskin mods is that she gives them beards which make for a mod realistic game play, because if you were an exiled Jedi I wouldn't think you would have a razor handy for those quick little trims. :lol: Anyway though this is definatly a cool reskin and I do have to hand it to Inyri, because even though she is a filefront Administrator she can still find the time to pump out these awesome mods and reskins. So good job Inyri and for all of you guys who are thinking about downloading this, [b]DO IT[/b] this is a really awesome mod! Enjoy people!:D [b]Note:[/b] Please leave the author feedback, especially if you download this mod and use it. It really helps encourage the author to make more mods in the future. -SithRevan
Well Inyri has done it yet again, she has come up with a new reskin that I have to say looks completely [b]AWESOME[/b]. This reskin features the pc PMHC05 (one of the caucasian male pc's from the
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