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[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server

[DS]: CS:S v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S v34 Server


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Old Qui Gon

Добавил: The DSystem
2003-09-15 00:09:00
still Tan. His face is a little more pale than usual. This skin is fit for any Qui Gon Fans out there that are sick of Kyle, other than that, I would suggest not getting this skin, sorry. It is about the same thing, as the last Qui Gon he painted over, not much changes, accept the only significant change, which is the torso. Go ahead and get it and see for yourself, the Icon shows it all. This skin is not a very good skin, looks like he just painted over the torso with paint bucket, no texture, no nothing, just... black... and then he made NO changes on the legs, he might have changed the hair, that\'s about it. I will be getting rid of this skin once I\'m through here, I don\'t like it at all. 4/10. But keep it up and get better! New Sounds-No (Reborn) Team-Colors-No Bot Support-No ~ReVan~
AceVader0 brings us a skin that replaces Kyle in Single player and Multi player with a pretty cool looking Qui Gon Jinn skin. He has painted over the tan torso with a black Tunic, and the legs are
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