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[DS]: Half-Life Server
[DS]: Half-Life Server

[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server

[DS]: CS:S v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S v34 Server


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Добавил: The DSystem
2003-08-29 00:08:00
character portraits, I noted that Shadow Lord used scans of comic pages for the imagery, and in them, she IS clothed. Due to my inability to properly rate the accuracy of her attire, I\'m just going to talk about the general quality of the skin itself. If I mess up with something, attribute it to ignorance and not stupidity. I may be an idiot, but I want my idiocy to be known only in the right context. The [file=\"12816\"]Stacey[/file] skin provided much of the base for this redo; colored stripes aside, the boots, pants, belt, sports bra, and jacket (minus a few buttons) are all direct pickups from Stacey. The alterations include the face, chest, and belly skin, and a series of stripes that wraparound the articles of clothing. The face is basic: yellow eyes highlight an otherwise plain complexion crowned with a skull headband (as seen in the comics). The flow from the sports bra to the upper chest is poorly done, with an obviously visible line unnaturally splitting the blue of the skin from the black of the top. The belly\'s much better, but is about what one would expect: blue skin. The Bottom Line: What Shadow Lord did work on, he didn\'t do too shabby a job of. She\'s not perfect, but then, few skins are, and her pitfalls are shallower than most. If you\'re looking for a movie adaptation, run. If you\'re looking for a comic book adaptation, you\'ll be interested. If you\'re looking for a general skin, you might pick it up and you might not. There are worse skins out there. There are better. Bot Support: YES New Sounds: YES Team Colors: YES - Dan \"ViperEye\" Tennant
Having never seen Mystique in anything other than the X-MEN movies, I\'m really not exactly knowledgeable regarding her garb. To me, she looks a little too clothed, however when I checked the
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