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[DS]: CS:S v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S v34 Server


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20Cm skin pack

Добавил: The DSystem
2008-02-13 00:02:00
boots turned gray, pants black and parts of his armour red. Kyle got the same treatment (albeit with the boots and pants switched around). The reborn got lucky. He\'s got a gray shirt, red pants and boots and a goatee. His pants and boots have been retextured and he now sport a pair of bracers. All of the skins have a clan tag or two slapped onto them, with seemingly no effort to blend it. All in all, it\'s a recolour job. As a result, it\'s aesthetically quite pleasing, while lacking in changes. Can\'t be blamed, though. Sometimes people just like the base material so much they see no reason to change it. No extras included. Also, it\'s a rar file, so you\'ll need either Winrar or some other capable program to open it. - Jose [i]Note to author: while we do accept rar files, zips tend to be more common and thus we prefer those.[/i]
Clan skins have come to us this day. Well, recolours. Calin took Desann\'s, Kyle\'s and a reborn\'s clothes, desaturated them and then either darkened them or turned \'em red. Desann has had his
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