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[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server

[DS]: CS:S v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S v34 Server


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SP Sith Rodian

Добавил: The DSystem
2003-09-27 22:09:00
Rodian rep for me, I mean I\'m sure they aren\'t all like that, as a whole anyways. Obvoiusly they aren\'t actually, given the New game, Jedi Academy, well they can apparently be downright cool. I dunno, I suppose I\'ll just never really care alot for them. Anywho, here we have a single player skin conversion that exchanges boring old Kyle with a Sith Rodian. I assume that the sithlyness of this skin is determined by the Rodian\'s red eyes and taste for dark garb. While it\'s somewhat predictable, it\'s better than that bearded joker Kyle in his tan duds hopping about. Maybe if this mod was a bit more intuitive in the fine tuning department it would be really awesome. Just some more Sith like things added in. Anyways, I have to say that while I don\'t think I\'ll ever like Rodians much, this submission is worthwhile because as much as I really don\'t care much for Rodians, I care even less for that same old tan Kyle :P Still though there\'s nothing about this Rodian Skin that\'s new. This might not be for you if you feel like I do about Rodians, or you\'re just looking for something brand spanking new to add to the SP experience of Jedi Outcast. This is a weclome change to the Jedi Outcast regime, and although some little add ons and doo-dad\'s could have really made this shine, it\'s good all the same :D Rock on -=Sai-Wan=-
Single Player Sith Rodian Rodians. I\'ve never really liked them, and to be honest, I don\'t think I ever really will. They\'ve always seemed like sneaky lowlifes...maybe Greedo really reuined the
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