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[DS]: Half-Life Server
[DS]: Half-Life Server

[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server

[DS]: CS:S v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S v34 Server


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Добавил: The DSystem
2010-02-01 23:02:00
the readme, just for kicks: [b]- Added clock in the top right when TAB is pressed to view scores: This clock displays in 24 hour time, as opposed to the US AM/PM.[/b] [b]- Added help (type /help in the console)[/b] [b]- Bot Combat AI Enhanced, Tomahawk bots are much more aggressive and faster at chaining attacks and can now do all special moves and TPK's. (Throw Pull Kicks):[/b] In other words, the bots use every "cheap" trick in the book to kill you. Challenging? Yes, it certainly can be, but this may frustrate everyone who isn't as "hardcore" as others. It was certainly nice to see the bots totally butchering each other in the quickest way possible. There is a fatal flaw to the AI, however, that I found out rather quickly. It all starts with this feature: [b]- Bots will not attack unarmed players.[/b] Oh, boy, the moment I turned off my saber, those turds stopped dead in their tracks and just stared at me. Nevermind the auto-sentry that was shooting them, I was the star of the show! XD and worse yet, they did not respond to my grip-throws and they gladly let me kick them into the abyss! Then these guys came: [b]- Anti-Lamer Bot Patrol:[/b] Alright, so these stormtroopers come with red lightsabers and essentially, their first notion is basically to show up and, initially, just taunt you repeatedly, as if admonishing you for "laming." This particular hypocrisy puzzles me, since this mod was dedicated to "Hardcore Gamers," which in my book translates to someone who wouldn't be bothered by the trivial concept of laming. However, mine is not to judge
It's rather rare to see a JK2 serverside mod. This one in particular was evidently dedicated to "Hardcore gamers," which seems like a paradox given some of the features. I'll quote some of them from
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