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CheatMenuPlus v1.0

Добавил: The DSystem
2006-01-12 23:01:00
if you use the menu file, you cannot load any other mods...[/quote] and I presume he is referring to the cheatmenu1.0.pk3. But I have tried various combinations with putting the various .pk3s in my base folder but I cant seem to get it to work :S I couldn’t really tell if the NPC enhancement worked or not as I wasn’t able to select it or the Cheatmenu mod from the mods screen on the setup menu (the readme seems to suggest that I should be able to do that) :S However I did notice that the saber mod made things look much nicer :) I think that it added new spark effects when the sabers clash, and also it made the saber blades look thicker and nicer, because they were kinda thin looking before. I think it makes them look a little more like the Episode 3 style blades. All in all this mod is based on some cool ideas, and it does make the saber blades and saber clash effects look better. However the bugs could do with ironing out to make it really nice :) Good try all the same though mate. If you decide to make a v2 of this then I shall look forward to trying that out! :) If you like the look of the mod, give it a download. ;) ~Nozyspy~ ~~The author has sent in a troubleshooting guide. Here is the guide. [quote]Name: Manslayer101 Email: File Description: This is a Troubleshooting guide for the Cheatmenuplus v1.0. Notes: This mod has been stopped as of a long time ago, if you would like me to continue it, work out the bugs, and create another version, just ask, email me at I will continue production if you wish. Now on to the Guide, find the question below you are looking for. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Q: Why write this? A: Well recently i've had someone email me and found out my mod was being displayed on jk2files noticing that even the administrator was having problems with the mod i decided to make a troubleshooting guide. Q: How do i install the mod? A: First off since this mod is a little buggy, DO NOT PUT THIS MOD IN YOUR BASE DIRECTORY, i can't stress this enough, if you put it there you have a risk of not loading anymore mods, and well....crash... So instead you need to put the files in a folder in your GameData folder like so: Ex: C:\Program Files\Lucasarts\Jk2 Jedi Outcast\GameData\Cheat Menu +\(files). Q: What does this mod work with? A: This mod only works with Jedi Outcast it WILL NOT WORK WITH JEDI ACADEMY, sadly enough. Q: I'm having problems....i don't see the Cheat menu? A: For now i have had major bugs when putting it in it's own place, instead look in the SETUP MENU\OPTIONS that is where you enable cheating and saberrealisticcombat, however remember you have to have cheating turned on before realistic combat will work. Q: Okay, i open the game, go to the menu, turn on the cheats, and start the game...but cheats arent working.... A: Well if this happens, just go to the ingame menu, it's there as well, just re-enable cheats and your cheating in no time :). Q: I cannot open any mods while this one is open, i have major problems if i do, why? A: Right now this mod is in beta stage, so no dice on other mods working after you enable this one, so if you want to open another one then close JK2 and reopen, sorry for this, but it couldn't be fixed, yet. Q: My problem isn't in the readme or in this guide, how will i get help? A: Email me asap, explain the problem in full description, and i will contact you as soon as i can I'm not so busy as a Game developer, that i cant help you ;). __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [/quote]
Well here we have a few mini mods that change a few things in JK2 Multiplayer. First of all though I must say that the Cheats Mod .pk3 didn’t seem to work for me :S I know the readme says [quote]
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