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[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server

[DS]: CS:S v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S v34 Server


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Casa De Fuego

Добавил: The DSystem
2006-08-10 00:08:00
lava, and looks cool? Casa de Fuego. Basically what you get with this map is a nice, symmetrical, evil map. The author has tried to make this a somewhat quake 3 based map, or so I think from the layout. But that doesn\'t really matter. The author has used twisted architecture to good effect, and made it so that you have to jump around a lot, which can increase the challenge when playing. This is a pretty nice map. I would regularly gripe about the lighting, but those gripes are rendered null when I realize that it\'s supposed to be lighted like it is, to give the map an \'evil\' atmosphere. But other than that, my big gripe was that all the flame effects in this map didn\'t hurt you. There were only two areas in the map where the flames actually hurt you. So I think that all the flames should damage you, just for realism. But other than that, this is a nice map. Bot Support: No (tried, the bots didn\'t like all the jumping) New Models: No New Textures: No New Music: No Gametypes: Duel, FFA, CTF ~Zach
Here we have a CTF map for Jedi Outcast. I can say one thing: we don\'t get too many of these. Well, this map has an evil-ish theme to it, which I like. :) On to the map. What has lots of flames,
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