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Crytek Map Pack

Добавил: The DSystem
2004-12-28 00:12:00
updated LUA documenation soon! And as our R&D Manager already said in his forum post: \"You\'re not being ignored just those things take their time...\". I hope you all like this news and prepare for the second surprise. In corporation with the FarCry clan [00], Ben Bauer and Michael \"Kolly\" Kolkau created 4 Assault maps in their sparetime for an inofficial Tournament Mappack. This pack includes about 12 Multiplayer Maps (8 Assault and 4 TDM/FFA). The other ones have been taken from the community in agreement with the guys from [00] clan to ensure the high standard of the pack. We totally concentrated on well balanced gameplay and new innovations. You can find the download link of the 190MB big sized Mappack, some screenshots of the maps from Ben and Michael and a whole maplist beneath. To install the mappack doubleclick on the downloaded EXE file, choose your FarCry root folder and click on \"install\". Maplist: - mp_to_fortress (ASSAULT) - mp_to_facility (ASSAULT) - mp_to_ruins (ASSAULT) - mp_to_swamp (ASSAULT) - mp_to_cargoTAWfix (ASSAULT) - mp_to_enrage (ASSAULT) - mp_to_minetrip (ASSAULT) - mp_to_tactic (ASSAULT) - mp_to_cry (TDM/FFA) - mp_to_ground0 (TDM/FFA) - mp_to_trade (TDM/FFA) - mp_to_warhead (TDM/FFA) *update* If you want to play the maps of the mappack feel free to join the server from Clan [00]: \"[00] Inselkammer|\" Now some words from us: It\'s been and still is an exciting year for us at Crytek. We would like to take this opportunity to thank the community for their great work and effort they put into Farcry. Now we hope you enjoy the map pack over your holyday vacation (if you have one that is ;)) and once again: Merry Christmas and a happy new year from all of us here at Crytek! Sebastian Spatzek & Alexander Marschal Crytek Community Managers [/quote]
[quote]Today (tomorrow for some of you ;)) is christmas day and even we like to give you a little present :) First of all I want to announce that we will release a complete C++ MOD SDK with an
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