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Mountain Lake

Добавил: The DSystem
2008-11-12 23:11:00
[i]'wow'[/i] you with! zippothekiller has released his first ever creation using the FC2 editor, and has done a fine job of doing it! Mountain Lake (v0.1) is a full size 16 player map that comes complete with the goodness of intense action! It has two bases as it was made for Team DeathMatch, so you'll be dukin' it out with with a whole lot of Far Cry 2 players that think they have more skilz then you! This map comes with all of the normalcy's you'd expect to find in a TDM map, plus a few bonuses, such as the hang gliders, these are great for getting in behind your enemy and trying out a flanking maneuver... Be it jungle warfare or wide open battles, it's time to put your combat proficiencies to good use and hope that they are up to par with those that you will be facing. The terrain is rough, with a body of water present, (which one would assume is the Mountain Lake) as well as the ever popular foot bridge. The two bases are separated by a huge mountain, and if you're looking for adventure, make your way to the top for some splendid cautious though, the enemy has a heavy presence all over. If you think you have what it takes to make it through Mountain Lake (v0.1) and survive, then what are you waiting for, get your copy now start with the kickin' ass! Refer to the readme for more information.
We have a first time [b]FarCry2Files[/b] content submitter, although, he is not a first time contributor to FileFront; His maps have made an appearance on MoHFiles, so he has the experience to
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