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[DS]: Half-Life Server
[DS]: Half-Life Server

[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server

[DS]: CS:S v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S v34 Server


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Добавил: The DSystem
2008-03-22 23:03:00
Population. - All Planets can have a Level 5 Star Base in Orbit. - Garrisons at all Star Bases significantly changed. = Rebel Alliance - Tactical Limit in Space Battles incresed to 75 - Venator-class Cruiser are available form Level 2 Star Base. - Kyle Katarn is now available and will be attached to Flagship in Space Combat. - Rebels have Ressources for a total of three Imperial-class SD (supplied by Moff Falast), but only one at a time. = Galactic Empire - Tactical Limit in Space Battles incresed to 65 - Darth Vader is no longer a Space Hero, thus he will be attached to Flagship in Space Combat. - Mara Jade is now available and will be attached to Flagship in Space Combat. - Executor-class SSDs available at Fondor & Kuat for 75.000 Credits. Only two Executors at a time are allowed. Population Value is 12. - Interdictor-class Cruiser requires Research Facility and can only be build at the Shipyards of Fondor, Hypori, Kuat, Mandalore, Mon Calamari & Sullust. - Eclipse-class SSD available at Kuat for 250.000 Credits, requiring a Research Facility. Population Value is 24. - Death Star II buildable at Endor for 500.000 Credits. Population Value 40 = Zann Consortium - Tactical Limit in Space Battles incresed to 75
This is a Mini-Mod for FOC. It alters some Stuff, so there is not really anything new. ALTERATIONS = Common Alterations - All Planets have now a greater Income and a greater additional
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