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[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server

[DS]: CS:S v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S v34 Server


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JM's FoC Addtions

Добавил: The DSystem
2010-04-28 22:04:00
back and download the 1.1 update, it's included. [quote]Here is my next version of my mod. It adds a whole lot of stuff to the game. In space I have added new models for ships such as the Venator, ISD, and Victory, which all have new hardpoints. The Assault Frigate has new riggings which give it more hardpoints, as much as the Mon Calamari Cruiser. To go with the Tech, there is the ISD MK I at tech 3-4, and the ISD MK II at Tech 5. Vader, Piett, and Thrawn all use ISD Mk Is. Also, the Tie Interceptor is now fully available at Tech 4 rather than Tech 3 so the X-Wings get a chance to get the Empire :P. On Land I have added some indigenous population to the build slots on their planets. This includes the Wookies, the Jawas, Ewoks, Gungans, and Geonosians. For the Empire it can build Royal Guards as it's indigenous. Since the consortium has slavery it does not use this ability. Another small note is I have edited the Gargangtuan to not have hardpoints which makes it harder to kill, since the hardpoints were so easy to destroy. Also the Shield Blast is nolonger an auto-activate ability, I hated it because it didn't do jack and just wasted shields. On another note I have added the Mandalorians into the game with control of Mandalore. There are a few bugs such as there is no AI for them in battles, but still fight if necessary. Next mod I am going to go large with new additions, so be ready. Enjoy the mod ;) BTW, you don't need the 1.1 update for this, it's included. :) [/quote] the_stag
There may be some of you out there that didn't think Johnathon's last mod update did enough. Perhaps yes, perhaps no. Either way, this update contains a grip of new features. And you don't need to go
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