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[DS]: Half-Life Server
[DS]: Half-Life Server

[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server

[DS]: CS:S v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S v34 Server


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Yavin Mappack MPv1

Добавил: The DSystem
2006-05-30 00:05:00
infantry; this is their home base. To counter this, the imperials have a bunch of free starting units signifying that they came in force. Half way up the slop is a raised area with the rebel power generators. It has for rebel anti-aircraft guns and four capturable turbo laser towers. General Dodona and his guards are in a good position to capture the towers first, if the imperials don’t cut them off with their speeder bikes. If the rebels capture the towers (they’re somewhat damaged but functional) the imps probably won’t be able to pass without AT-ATs or M1 tanks. Each side has 4 mining facilities build points, none are up for grabs, and two already built resource pads. Use your starting units to capture the central turrets while you build your base up then press on to the enemy stronghold. The space map, which can be played before or after the land map, is long horizontally, but short vertically. Each side has a level three space station and a large fleet. The Imperial vengeance fleet is all together, but the Rebel fleet is separated. Ackbar’s Home One along with two other cruisers are newly arrived from Calamari; but an asteroid field separates them from the battle. You can either follow the winding safe but slow passage through or ram through the asteroids taking damage as you go. The two fleets mach each other frigate for frigate, corvette for corvette, and capital ship for capital ship. But with the Mon Cals separated from the rebel fleet, the Empire has an early advantage. Also, the Rebel fleet has a notable shortage of fighters after their assault on the death star. Red squadron and two other X-wing units along with 5 squadrons of Z-95s must stand against 16 tie fighter squadrons which can be replaced from the docking bay’s of the Imperial ships.
The land map is a rather straightforward affair. The rebels are at the top of the hill, the imps at the bottom. The rebels have more pre-built defenses and two training camps which provide free
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