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Empire at War
Starcraft Map Pack Chapter 1

Starcraft Map Pack Chapter 1

Добавил: The DSystem
2008-01-01 23:01:00
sighting, when the colony called back that the unknown asailants were gathering for an attack. Lead them back to base to defend it, but watch out for Imperial spy cells. One of the command centers has been swarmed and taken over by the Consortium for their own. Destroy it as well. The New Republic, mistaking your preventative measures as sabotage, declare you enemies of the state. On your escape, a cell of the Sons of Korhal recruit you, promising safe passage. They lead a team to the moon of Antiga Prime to exact vengeance on the New Republic. Take Zann and Luke to eliminate the officers and all traces of the base. An emergency call has come through. The Gargantuan and it\'s garrison are under attack from Consortium forces. While you would rather leave them for dead, a higher-up in the Sons decides it would be wise to ASSIST them instead. Destroy all Consortium forces, and any Imperials snooping around. Surprisingly enough, bel Iblis decides to ally himself with your cell. Take him and his space forces to destroy the New Republic space station over Tarsonis. After defeating the station, The shady higher-up decides it\'s time to cause some MAJOR PWNage. Escort Tyber to the surface to plant a present: \'stuff\'\' for the Consortium in a residential area that will draw a major attack. After this has been done, simply blast your way out of the Imperials aiming for a quick reprisal. No Consortium forces are present. At the moment. The head has figured he should sacrifice Tyber for a quick escape. After Luke tells him what to do with himself, he detaches his band of fighters to the surface in disgust to destroy the Ion Cannon and get a ride out. Destroy anything in the way.
Storyline: The New Republic colony world af Mar Sara had repeated reports of strange activity outside the borders of the colony. Luke Skywalker and a team went out to investigate one such
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