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[DS]: Half-Life Server
[DS]: Half-Life Server

[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server

[DS]: CS:S v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S v34 Server


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Empire at War
Invasion Of The Hillside

Invasion Of The Hillside

Добавил: The DSystem
2011-01-12 23:01:00
just needs a bacta injection of sorts. Let\'s get the less than desirable parts out of the way first. There aren\'t any mineral processors. Although there are some maps (very, very few) that can get away with no mineral processors because of their nature, I don\'t see this as one of them. The siege nature of this map almost calls for the opposite, a limitless supply of credits being funneled into each teams account. My other major nitpick is that team 1 doesn\'t get an energy generator, although they have turbo lasers. Being a siege style map, there should be more defenses for the enemy to break through rather than fewer. The good: I really like the general layout of this map. Rather than your standard bases on each end of the map, you\'ve got the defenders on top of a hill in the center of the map with only one way to get there by land. The prop usage is good and makes me feel like I\'m in the desert (why are we fighting over this sand covered rock?). So the potential is there, just a bit more work needs to go into it. the_stag
I\'ve always enjoyed siege maps, regardless of game type (RTS, FPS, Fat Princess, etc.). So I saw this map and immediately wanted to like it. Curse my idealism! Not that this map is terrible... it
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