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[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server

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Empire Vs. Rebels

Добавил: The DSystem
2008-12-21 23:12:00
[file="96422"]here[/file] Having not played the old version, I do not know what has changed, if anything. The texturing is, quite frankly, poor. The author should perhaps try using multiple textures at different angles on the cliffs, for example. The props seem to be there just for the sake of them being there. However, I do like how he has used props to create "tunnels", which you can see in the screenshot. The rest seem to be positioned unnaturally, but maybe that is just me. My advice would be to look at how things are placed in real life, and try to imitate that. The same goes for the height and texture. Also, there is no fog. This may just be personal preference of the author, but fog makes maps look just that much better in my opinion. This map is a nice idea poorly executed. However, Wargtv should not be discouraged, so keep at it. Michelangelo didn't paint the sistine chapel overnight. [For those of you who didnt get the metaphor, what I am saying is that it takes time to make something brilliant.] Give it a try, as I am sure the author would appreciate feedback on how to improve.
Another map by Wargtv. This is the next version of his Empire Vs Rebels mapand this version is for EaW only, so if you want the FoC one, you need the other version
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