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Empire at War
Arid Legends: Blenjeel

Arid Legends: Blenjeel

Добавил: The DSystem
2009-05-15 22:05:00
frollicked around the level, daring the sand-worms to chase them. While its not exactly canon, only Star Wars can provide such a fun time on a desert planet. And while I didnt have the advantage of sand-worms for this map, Ive attempted to replicate this fun factor, translating it over to EaW. Hopefully, you'll have almost as much fun with this map of Blenjeel. And hey, maybe you'll even feel compelled to dig the old JK out from under the bed and revisit Blenjeel again! ;) Arid Legends: Blenjeel is the second installment in a series of maps I have entitled Legends, depicting interesting and unusual planets in the Star Wars Galaxy, or planets which I have remapped from the stock EaW version. Each map will have a Skirmish release as well as as a GC version. The general layout of the map: A rocky mountain range, the site of an Acclamator crash. A valley lies in the middle of the map, and in this one base is situated (to the south). The other rests at the top of a sloping mountain in the east, and to the north, hidden goodies await whoever can get to them first. (See screenshots for more). This map is designed for only 2 teams, but there are multiple attack routes and deadly maneuvring surprises to keep it lively. There is also a heavy pirate presence, so be on your guard. They could lie around every corner. And of course, there are plenty of Sarlaacs to keep you busy when you're not otherwise engaged. Since EaW has no sand-worms like those in Jedi Academy, Sarlaacs were the best I could do, but it goes without saying that this is NOT the ideal map for infantry. The AI has been zoned and tested for this map, so the enemey will not simply lay idle in his base, but will be active and build up forces and seek you out. I recomend playing on Hard or at least Medium difficulty, as this will maximize the AIs interaction as well as your fun factor. -One issue I am aware of: Repulsorlift vehicles float abnormally high in the valley. I think this has to do with the fact that the ground is actually below zero in the valley, but there is nothing I can do to fix it. It actually doesnt affect gameplay a bit, and all units (except Jedi) can attack them as normal. That's all, enjoy, and if you like what you see, have any map requests, or constructive criticism, contact me (Med8r) at: OR ~Med8r
(Taken from ReadMe) Seeing/playing on Blenjeel in JK: Jedi Academy is just plain fun, we all have to admit. Every one out there who has played the game knows of at least one occasion in which they
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