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Colony 7 - Chapter 1

Добавил: The DSystem
2002-09-04 22:09:00
for those who've never heard of this then here is an overview of what you can expect in this chapter: [quote]You are Gordon Dufresne. You hold the rank of ensign in Starfleet and currently live in a remote Federation outpost on the 12th planet of the Hetlek star system. You have a rather boring job in the plasma conversion facility of Hetlek Station Alpha near the south pole. Starfleet has created this facility and the other one on the planet - Hetlek Station Beta in the tropic part of the planet - nearly 100 years ago in order to constantly monitor the unique subscace singularities that are located near the Hetlek System and, more inofficially, to show presence near the Klingon Neutral Zone. Following the truce of Camp Khitomer the two facilities have been mostly demilitialized, but they still have very good defence capabilities consisting of powerful shields and a network of orbital phaser turrets. When you wake up, you think it will be a normal day for Gordon Dufresne, but you're wrong ... At the end of this day, nothing will be as before... [/quote][i]From[/i] There is a walkthrough for this chapter available at the Colony 7 site - (in the 'Data' section) [b]Note:[/b] If you like, you can download Chapters 1 & 2 combined - (42.95 MB) You can download the Chapter 1 Voice Patch here: [file]17843[/file]
The Colony 7 Team has fixed up their first release of Chapter 1 with bug fixes, changes and updates! For those of you who played the very first release you will definitely see the improvements here,
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