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Chem Dog Mod

Добавил: The DSystem
2006-01-15 23:01:00
their actions in the lowest levels of various hive cities. Captain Xavier Ecilpse, son of Lord Eclipse one of the richest Merchants on Savlar commands the regiment. Xavier refuses to accept a Colonels rank, he fights for the Emperor, and believes that high rank confines a officer to more of a paper pusher than warrior. As with all Savlar Penal units, the soldiers fight for the right of war booty and to escape the toxic environment of Savlar. By the end of the Armageddon war, the 7th Chem Dogs Chimeras were full of war booty that individual soldiers could not carry. What makes the unit unique is the 1 kilometer long modified ore carrier FireStorm, Lord Eciplse did not want his son to fight but, if he could not stop him, he would aid him the best way he could. Collecting the many disgarded drop pods that littered the Armageddon battlefield, the Firestorm was modified as a Drop Pod carrier and troop transport. The 7th Chem Dogs is the only Penal Regiment with its own transport and has deep strike capabilites. Hearing of the success of Armageddon Ork Hunters, Captain Eciplse created Reaper squads, formed around the survivors of the Savlar Prison Gladiatoral Arenas that men like his father would attend and bet on. The 7th now had close combat specialist available for campaigns against the Orks, which the Imperium had designated them as Ork Specialist after their success on Armageddon.
During the last Armageddon War many units of the Savlar Penal Regiments fought and were massacured by the orks. One of the surviving regiments was the 7th Chem Dogs also known as the Tunnel rats for
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