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Insurrection 1776 Alpha 0.1

Добавил: The DSystem
2004-07-29 22:07:00
fun. some of what to come. FEATURES Here are the initial features and ideas for Insurrection 1776. We are in the process of deciding which features we\'d like to include in the first release. We\'re focusing mostly on inserting the Officer class and the morale system. Officers with NPC Soldiers – The most prevalent feature of this modification is the addition of the Officer class on the British team. This class commands 3-6 AI controlled soldiers. This will allow the British team to have the advantage of numbers, even though both teams will usually have the same number of players. The AI soldiers will march in whatever formation is specified by the officer and will attack wherever the officer directs them to. These AI soldiers have the same stats as the British Soldier class and have their own health and stamina. If the Officer is killed, they will react randomly, but after about 20 seconds they will die in order to prevent too many AI bots from being in the server at once. The total number of Officers allowed in the game at once will be limited, but this should only affect large games in order to prevent huge numbers of player models from being in the same place, causing lag for players with lower end machines. Enhanced locational damage effects – If a player is hit in the leg and survives, they will limp and move at about a third of their normal speed. If they are hit in the arm and survive, their aiming ability will be decreased greatly. If they are hit in the chest and survive, (which is pretty rare, only with low-damage weapons like pistols) they will suffer both decreased speed and accuracy. If the player is hit anywhere, their morale boosts will disappear. All of these effects will be negated if the player uses their bandage. Bandages – Each player gets one bandage item in addition to their regular gear. It recovers about 50% of their total health in addition to negating any wound effects. Bandage takes about 5 seconds to apply, during which time you cannot use a weapon or move, preventing it from being used in the heat of battle. Stamina and Charging – Each player has a stamina level and a “charge” ability. When using charge, they will move at high speed across the battlefield, but will be unable to fire guns (though they can still use melee weapons). Units using artillery cannot charge. Charging drains the stamina bar, and when it is empty, the player will go back to normal speed until the bar recharges. Each class has a unique amount of stamina. When stamina is low, marching speed will be lower, so no more or less ground is gained by using a charge just for transportation. This will keep units with higher stamina from getting ahead of their teammates in the long run. Morale – Each player has a morale level, represented by a bar on the screen. Each time the player kills an enemy, they gain a temporary morale boost. Morale increases the accuracy of a player’s shooting, the reloading speed of their guns, and the attack speed of their melee weapons. It also decreases the stamina drain when charging. There are other ways to raise morale as well, such as being near the flag carrier or using a battle cry. These boosts are not temporary, so long as they remain within the correct sphere of influence. If you have no morale boosts, one-shot kills will usually only occur with a headshot, which will be very hard to get without any accuracy boosts. Battle cry – Each player has a battle cry ability. It causes the player to shout wildly, giving a slight morale bonus to himself and those around him, raising their combat capabilities. Can only be used once every few minutes. Many battle cries stacked together from a close-knit group will be very effective. Add a drummer/fife player and your battle abilities increased by huge factors. This is another ability that will encourage teams to stick together. Cannot give battle cry while using artillery. Flag carrier – Each team has a “flag carrier” class: drummer for the British, fife player for the colonists, who carries the flag of their team. Each team is only allowed one flag carrier at a time. Only flag carriers can claim spawn points. In addition, all players within a certain radius of the flag carriers get a significant morale boost, encouraging them to stick together. Marching speed – All players, both infantry and artillery, have the same walking speed, even though their charge might last longer due to different stamina amounts. This will encourage teamwork further by allowing everyone to keep up without slower classes lagging behind. Players who spawn together should arrive at the front lines together. CLASSES British Infantry Units – British infantry units are less effective than colonial infantry units, except the flag carriers, who are equal on either team. They make up for this with the Officer class, who commands a group of NPC soldiers to fight for him. British infantry can crouch but not go prone. Drummer · Description – The flag carrier, used as a rallying point for all other units. Constantly plays a drum. · Weapon(s) – Flag, Pistol · Ammo – None · Model – Well-dressed soldier playing a drum with a British flag strapped to his back. Charge animation shows him waving flag wildly. · Stamina – Average · Special abilities – Only flag carriers can claim spawn points in conquest maps. All units within a certain radius of the flag carrier will receive a high morale bonus, encouraging teams to work in units. Flag carriers get more battle cries than any other unit. Officer · Description - The main class for the British team. The officer will command a group of NPCs so that the game will have the feel of large-scale battles instead of small skirmishes. While it may seem that a single officer class is as powerful as a large group of players, the officer’s effectiveness will be limited, the NPCs only following strict orders requiring commands from the officer. Only skillful officers will be effective in battle. · Weapon(s) – Pistol, Cutlass (secondary mode commands NPC troops), Looking glass · Ammo – Low · Model – Well-dressed wearing an decorated officer’s uniform and hat · Stamina – Average · Special abilities – Commands 3-6 NPC soldier units who will fire wherever officer points (using secondary fire of the sword). While the AI soldier’s firing is controlled directly by where the officer points his sword, a bayonet charge gives a little more freedom to the soldiers, allowing them to attack with their bayonets of their own free will any targets within a certain range. Each NPC soldier has its own health and stamina. If one is killed, it stays that way until the officer respawns. Alternate commands include advancing to an area (also specified by the sword), bayonet charges (drains stamina of NPCs), holding position and possibly other commands. If the officer is killed, the NPCs have a random chance of doing the following: 1. Breaking ranks and attacking wildly at their own will, 2. Retreating and running away from all fights, or 3. Blind bayonet charge. All of these attacks will be much less effective than when under command of an officer, and after about 20-30 seconds, the NPCs will die if they haven’t been killed already. The officer will usually want to keep the soldiers in front of him (default formation.) Soldier · Description – The standard fighter, for those who don’t feel like commanding NPCs. This is the class of NPCs commanded by officers. · Weapon(s) – Musket (with bayonet), 2 grenades · Ammo – High · Model – Standard British uniform. March animation shows rifle shouldered, charge shows it held with bayonet pointed towards enemy. · Stamina – Medium · Special abilities – None Colonists Infantry Units – All colonist infantry units (except flag carrier) are better than the British. However, no colonist classes have NPC soldiers to fight for them, so they must use guerilla tactics in order to stand a chance against the British team’s superior numbers. Colonists can both crouch and lay prone. Fife player · Description – The flag carrier, used as a rallying point for all other units. Constantly plays a fife. The colonist equivalent of the drummer. · Weapon(s) – Flag, Pistol · Ammo – None · Model – Well-dressed soldier playing a fife with a “Don’t tread on me” flag strapped to his back. Charge animation shows him waving flag wildly. · Stamina – Average · Special abilities – Only flag carriers can claim spawn points in conquest maps. All units within a certain radius of the flag carrier will receive a high morale bonus, encouraging teams to work in units. Flag carriers get more battle cries than any other unit. Green Mountain Boy · Description – The closest class to the classic sniper · Weapon(s) – Long-range musket, Knife, Looking glass · Ammo – Low · Model – Green uniform with exceptionally long musket. · Stamina – Average · Special abilities – Although musket has no scope, Green Mountain Boys have a moderate “zoom” for taking careful aim. Saboteur · Description – A useful class when commanded by a skilled player that can potentially wipe out large numbers of the enemy ranks. · Weapon(s) – Blunderbuss, knife, 3 powder kegs, 3 grenades · Ammo – Medium · Model – Standard colonial garb · Stamina – Low · Special abilities – The saboteur’s powder kegs can be dropped anywhere with any length of fuse from 10 to 90 seconds. When the powder keg explodes, it deals very high damage to anything within a fairly large radius, killing all units except those on the outer edge of the blast radius. The minimum 10 second fuse should prevent players from pulling “kamikaze” attacks, and instead force them to take the keg’s placement into account, trying to find a semi-hidden spot that the enemy will most likely walk over at the same time that the keg explodes. Pistolman · Description – The only fast-hitting class, deadly at close range, worthless at long range. · Weapon(s) – Two pistols, Cutlass, 2 grenades, Looking glass · Ammo – High · Model – Swashbuckler garb · Stamina – High · Special abilities – Reloading takes longer because it reloads both pistols at once, meaning that if you intend to charge a group of enemies head-on, you only have two shots to do it with before you have to resort to melee combat. Minute man · Description – The standard infantry unit of the colonists. Decent combat abilities with a high stamina makes for a very maneuverable infantry unit. · Weapon(s) – Musket (with bayonet), 2 grenades · Ammo – Medium · Model – A makeshift military uniform · Stamina – High · Special abilities – None WEAPONS British British Musket · Range – Medium · Accuracy – Medium · Damage – Medium · Repeat rate – Medium (3 shots/minute) British Pistol · Range – Low · Accuracy – Low · Damage – Medium · Repeat rate – High (5 shots/minute) British Cutlass (Melee) · Damage – High · Swing rate – High (60 swings/minute) British Bayonet (Melee) · Damage – High · Swing rate – High (60 swings/minute) Flag (Melee) · Damage – Medium · Swing rate – Medium (50 swings/minute) Grenade (Yes, they DID have grenades in 1776) · Damage – Varies with range from blast · Range – Medium (throwing range) Cannon (Artillery) · Description – A powerful cannon, great for bombing forts and cutting down the number of enemies before they’re within musket’s range. · Ammo – Medium · Model – A large cannon pushed by whoever is “inside” the “vehicle” · Special abilities – None · Range – Medium · Accuracy – High · Damage – High · Repeat rate – Low Rockets (Artillery) · Description – Highly inaccurate rockets, fired 5 at a time. Can be devastating if they manage to hit anything, and inspire fear in the enemy from their erratic flights. · Ammo – Medium · Model – A rack of rockets on long sticks being pushed by the “driver” · Special abilities – Fire single rockets (with delay between shots) for slightly better accuracy with left click, or fire all 5 at once with right click. · Range – High · Accuracy – Low · Damage – High · Repeat rate – Low Colonists Minuteman Musket · Range – Medium · Accuracy – Medium · Damage – Medium · Repeat rate – Medium (3 shots/minute) Green Mountain Boy Musket · Range – High · Accuracy – High · Damage – High · Repeat rate – Low (2 shots/minute) Blunderbuss · Range – Low · Accuracy – Medium · Damage – Low (per pellet) · Repeat rate – Medium (3 shots/minute) Colonist Pistol · Range – Low · Accuracy – Low · Damage – Medium · Repeat rate – High (5 shots/minute) Colonist Knife (Melee) · Damage – Low · Swing rate – High (120 swings/minute) Flag (Melee) · Damage – Medium · Swing rate – Medium (50 swings/minute) Grenade (Yes, they DID have grenades in 1776) · Damage – Varies with range from blast · Range – Medium (throwing range) Grapeshot cannon (Artillery) · Description – A cannon that fires grapeshot instead of cannonballs. Grapeshot have bad range, but are devastating against tight-groups at a moderate distance. · Ammo – Medium · Model – A small cannon pushed by whoever is “inside” the “vehicle” · Special abilities – None · Range – Low · Accuracy – Medium · Damage – Low (per pellet) · Repeat rate – Low
it is the 4th an the people at Insurrection 1776 have given us(bfv community) it is still a alpha the fighters are not made up like 1776 era but this so you can get a feel for how it will play. have
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