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[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server
[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server

[DS]: CS:S v34 Server
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Karkov Winter

Добавил: The DSystem
2003-02-17 00:02:00
recaptured by Russian guards troops during their second winter offensive which started by enveloping the German 6th army at Stalingrad. They lost the city of Kharkov again to Field marshall von Manstein some 29 days later during the last of the succesfull German attacks on the eastern front. That summer all German hopes for victory were destroyed after losing the epic battle of Kursk. In August\'43 when the Kursk offensive was repelled Kharkov changed hands for the last time. Nothing but ruins and rubble remained of what once was a proud city in the south of the Soviet Union. Now it is up to you to put on the (worn out) shoes of a Russian soldier of a Guards Tank Brigade. These units were very well equipped and prepared for extreme winter conditions. Stavka (the Red Army HQ) made sure these units were supplied with a steady stream of ammunition, medical supplies, wodka and food. You will be issued fully winter camouflaged vehicles, a padded winter coat and a mean flying machine called \"Tanja\" by the Red Army. Our American friends have sent their lend-lease vehicles as well. You are going to need all of these since it was VERY cold in the winter of 1943... You might notice the German vehicles and uniform were not modified. We decided not to do so since a lot of good German winter textures have been released already. Once you know how to handle a rfa extracting/packing utility you should be able to collect some cool German soldier and vehicle winter skins from the net and put them in.[/quote]
[quote]The city of Kharkov is the only major Russian city to change hands 4 times during the course of the war. This mod illustrates the situation on February 16, 1943, when the city was
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